
Released Under GPLv3 Kap is a karaoke audio-video player designed with the needs of a KJ in mind. The aim is to have a simple, streamlined interface that is easy and powerful to use at a show. To get announcements and have questions answered join the users mailing list .

Stable Release

Each stable release is supported with bug fixes until the release of the next stable version.
Kap has been tested and developed on Mandriva 2010 using:

Stable Features — 0.7.0

You can download the current version from here . The release branch for the stable version is release_0_7.

Development Release

Bug reporting, patch submission, news, mailing-list, and more can be found in our development area. If you would like to join the project, we are always open to new contributors. Process is simple: register, get the development code, create patch, submit, join team.

Features — 0.8

The next target release for Kap is Spring 2011.
The following are the features slated for the next release.

  1. Add next song button
  2. Add multiple song name format support
  3. Allow all settings to know if a setting actually changed.
  4. Finalise the settings location